SO. You’re in business for yourself. HOORAY! High five! You have taken action, put your stake in the ground and done what SO MANY people just won’t do. So take a second and congratulate yourself because seriously – this is an opportunity to change your LIFE.

Okay – congratulations over, now what the hell do you do with all of this?

It can seem terrifying and overwhelming, am I right?

I totally feel you, I have been there. In 2012 I was laid off from my job and crying in a friend’s office when I shared with him that even though I had a business since 2006, I really had NO idea what I was doing. I was flying by the seat of my pants, so to speak. My side hustle was just that – a side hustle – and now I had no main full time job and needed to step things up a bit. He walked me through a few basic principles of business, and I started investing in learning BUSINESS, instead of just fancy gear and pretty lights.

After freaking out and deciding to really MAKE THIS SHIT WORK, 2014 was my first six figure year.

I don’t have some weird special powers. I’m not a unicorn or some weirdo or exception. YOU can do this too. I was a single mother when I started my business, living with my own mom, and have since created my dream life and business, and I can help you do it too.

YES, Brooke, I’m ready to get started, show me where to go!

Okay okay… if you’re here and like STOP TALKING AND GIVE ME THE GOOD STUFF, chances are you’re not even reading this because you’ve clicked on the link above. But if you’re still here, here are some links to my TOP free resources and classes, so you can hop in and get started! If you want to get to know me a little more first instead of just jumping into bed, I feel you there too… keep reading.

Email Marketing

Email Marketing is one of the MOST under-utilized marketing strategies for creatives. It can change your business and help you get that calendar BOOKED SOLID!

Click for 50 Free Email Content Ideas

SEO 101

Yes I know, I know. SEO can be terrifying. But the reality is that it can bring you to the FRONT of the search results so that your ideal clients can find you, and book you!

Click for my FREE SEO 101 Mini-Course!

About Page Help

Your About Page is one of the MOST important pages on your website! Does yours speak to your ideal clients so they connect with who you are and what you do, and BOOK you?

Click for my Free About Pages MasterClass!

Latest Articles, Features and Podcast Episodes

Expert advice, instruction and help in business for professional photographers and creative business owners!

It is time for YOU to start designing the life you love. The life you’ve dreamed about. The business that feeds your creative soul, AND feeds your family.

I have built my own successful businesses, and I am excited to walk you through setting up your business for success. Success on YOUR terms, based on your needs and your design!

Business Straight Up is dedicated to helping professional photographers and creative entrepreneurs – like you – think differently about business.

When you decided to go into business for yourself, you probably didn’t realize it would be so overwhelming, right? I remember being in TEARS when I realized that I couldn’t just take pretty pictures, there were so many other things that I needed to do too!

The truth is, you are completely capable of being successful – the power to make a difference is there! I can help you realize your power and what the heck to do with it – and help you grow. Photography business help doesn’t HAVE to be overwhelming! There are systems and things you can put in place to get your life back and move you forward like you’ve never dreamed possible!

Webinars, Workshops & Individual Help, oh my!

I have worked with so many creative entrepreneurs, and have developed courses specific to the challenges they face! Or, if you need more individualized help, I have mentoring programs that can be customized based on your specific needs.

Here’s where all the fun stuff goes, the stuff that helps you FIND me so that I can help you!

Bold with Brooke is filled with resources and articles to provide photography business help. Basically, the things a professional photographer needs to take their business to the next level! Let’s be real: being in business means THINKING DIFFERENTLY. To start a professional photography business, it doesn’t take much. But to have a successful professional photography business, you have to complete reframe what you do and why, and look at what your definition of success really is! Success is different for everyone, but if you don’t have the proper systems in place to move your business forward, you are going to be working LONG HOURS and hating life. I can help you. There are a million resources available on how to shoot better, how to use lighting, and how to use Photoshop – I want to teach you the business end of things that will help you grow your business so you actually have clients to use those skills! I want to teach you things like professional photography branding, professional photographer marketing, and photography business systems. That is just the tip of the iceberg, there is so much more – let’s do this!